there's this particular time when you would want to do that particular thing so much, you don't care whatever obstructs, you just want to do it at that moment.
then there's this momentary unspeakable pleasure that makes you think it's worth doing it. yes! pleasure! the ke-shiok-ness-an yang tak terhingga! my 10 shioks..
1. showering yourself under warm water when your body is even stickier than glue.
2. washing off facial foams from my blemish prone skin.
3. gulping glasses and glasses of hot chinese tea after consuming char kuey tiao. "AHHHHHHH"
4. indulging into my favourite hk series in an a/c room served with a bowl of hot red bean tong sui. 'slurp'!
5. FINALLY figured out the answer after doing whole page of silly long workings to my differentiation and integration questions.
6. found out that your long-time-no-contact friend actually remembers you and left you an offline message on messenger.
7. kena the last digit in 4D and get to draw another lucky ticket for FREE!
8. scratch, scratch, scratch, the itchy mosquitoe bite.
9. playing that 2 bar running passages fluently after 92048357 tries.
10. pending....
AHHHHH............. the pleasure.....
now, list me your 10.
一年一度的中秋佳节又来临,场上的月饼种类也一年比一年多样化。巧克力味啦,咖啡味啦,绿茶味啦,红枣味啦,黑加仑子味啦,鸡丝味啦,甚至连火腿味和 Cheese 味都有。menakutkan.. imagine ham with lotus paste, what a combination! it's like eating onion with chocolate. -___-" 这样看起来,玉壶轩的包装显得有点寒酸。四方形的礼盒在今天这个那么讲究创意的年代早就应该被淘汰了。使用鲜红色的纸带反而更适合用来送结婚时的礼饼。 海外天一向来都是比较喜欢使用鲜艳的颜色作为主体,可是看起来今年的礼盒不如往常来的受瞩目。反而它们的纸带比较能吸引我。无可否认,在众多品牌的纸带,海外天是更胜一层。
让我们来看一看如今在市场上比较常见的月饼品牌, 它们在包装上的一些创意。
今年锦伦泰推出了三款礼盒,金色的是旧的,红色的是新的吧(因为我没有看过)haha.. paiseh.. 还有一个真的太难看了,所以没有资格被放上榜。woiseh...


看来现代人对中秋节送月饼这个概念也逐渐变化了。以前就比较注重于那一个品牌最好吃,如今是要看哪一个品牌的包装最特别,最好看。毕竟是送礼吗,礼盒越好看就显得送礼的人越注重被送礼的那一个。管他好不好吃,又不是我吃... wakakaka... jinkak...
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