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RIP Park Yong Ha

Posted by peiying Wednesday, June 30, 2010 0 comment

the sudden news of the death of the Winter Sonata and On Air actor, Park Yong Ha given me much shock and a moment of sorrowfullness. him, who had yet to set off to his peak of his career, decided to end his life, leaving behind not only his fans but also his parents. though i'm not a K-Drama addict, but who wouldn't have watch Winter Sonata, where the 32 year old starred as kim sang-hyuk. but i like him best in On Air, starring along with Song Yoon Ah. they'd made such great couple in the show.

and nonetheless, i loved, absolutely loved the song he sang in that drama too, 외사랑

it was not the number of drama you acted in that counts, it is one's ability in successfully delivering the character itself which matters.

it's inevitable that him being gone would be a big loss to korean entertainment industry. all in all, may you rest in peace.


Posted by peiying Saturday, June 26, 2010 0 comment

对我而言,文学这门东西太深奥了。自己的中文也不太好, 应该说,我对语言确是没什么天分,所以文字和我是挂不上等号呀。







Posted by peiying Thursday, June 24, 2010 0 comment

回想着 中学时期的我
回想着  A-Levels 快乐的日子 
回想着  那  曾经和朋友疯狂的日子

以前 所谓的勇敢与伟大
如今 还会坚守着那信念吗
曾经的爱与恨 都变得无所谓了吗

就有如看了一部蕴含了她 22 年人生
那一幅幅的画面仿佛 又再呈现于眼前

9 个月前离开的朋友
可是  为什么轮到自己离开的时候
心里的不舍好像 日渐加深

不知为什么  回家的感觉已变成了度假
那瞬间  我听了 心里很不是滋味
犹豫着  会不会有一天我也变成像她一样

说真的  自己也很清楚
这次一走  一切都会不一样了
想走的人  留着  又能奈何
与其说变化  不如说是成长
几年后的重逢 还能够与大家
在一次的  畅所欲言吗

US most beautiful college libraries

Posted by peiying Saturday, June 12, 2010 2 comment

absolutely overwhelmed!!

check out these state of the art libraries which will blow you away upon sight.

why is it that our country could never come up with such amenities for the nurturing of tomorrow's better leaders?

we could afford spending billions building some malfunctioned-before-use stadiums and authorities' offices, but never on education resources??

the sun had rised, WAKE UP MALAYSIA!

concurrent coherent confusions

Posted by peiying Friday, June 11, 2010 0 comment

not long ago after the new and final IMU phase semester started, i'd made promises to myself to put more effort on my studies. regain the me of those SPM days! gladly i did. but the enthusiam didn't last long enough.

as compared to the previous sem, students transferring to strathclyde this coming september seemed to be sailing through it without much great commitments. there's only one module which is kind of pharmacology-related and we are real lucky to escaped those bored-to-the-extreme biopharmacy lectures. i'm sure these lectures, when delivered by lecturers in strathclyde would spark more interest and better understandings of the module itself. well, at least i do not have to struggle understanding words uttered via some strongly indian-accented cum lullaby-simulating lecturers. zzzzz....

i have a 3000 words essay to hand up by july, which i have only progressed 20%.
i have 3 module notes to study and they are all written in non-layman terms.
i have 3 trips to look forward to - 2 before semester exam, 1 after!!!
i have yet to get my 10k pounds ready.
i need to attend 2 of my best friends' graduation ceremony.
i am looking forward to meet up with friends coming back from overseas, and friends leaving for overseas as well.
i am not stressed, but i am loosing hair.
i am supposed to research on my essay, but in turn looking up wikipedia for Mousehunt hunting tips.

i'm growing lazier. i know i am.
oh yes.. forgot to mention...

i am very poor as well.. :(