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Posted by peiying Wednesday, September 29, 2010 2 comment

格拉斯哥   我还未走透的城市   
那哝哝白人的风俗  口音  世态  这里应有尽有
这里并没有天天下雨  偶尔也会有晴朗好天气

在这里  每天都要步行  要走好几白米才能到city
在这里  每天 9 点晚上就会入眠  太阳还没升起就会起身了
在这里  所有素菜都只是用热水汤过就能进食了
在这里  饭菜都没有添加太多的调味料
在这里  许多的杂货  食品都很便宜
在这里  和 housemates 相处的很愉快  获得我一直想要的自由
不止是习惯  而且已渐渐喜欢上这样的生活方式
可是  就不知道为何   总觉得缺少些什么

很想念妈妈  很想念怡保的老家   
老是盼望着这个学期快点完成   那么  离回家的时间就越近
还记得第一次在这里和妈妈网上聊天  眼眶的泪就不由自主的流下
我不敢让妈妈看见  只能把webcam 移开些。。。

讨厌的是  这里有好多人抽烟  真的很多很多
不管男女老少  满街都是吸烟鬼
可恨的是  突然间火警会无缘无故的响起
吓得我  魂飞魄散! 

怎么说  现在就对此地评论好与坏还是言之过早

超级无比好味的巧克力饼干!售价 0.59p!低到烂!!

marked time

Posted by peiying Tuesday, September 7, 2010 1 comment

so days are filled with constant gaming sessions on bejeweled, mousehunt, msn and repeated episodes of FRIENDS. it's like all of a sudden my study days are over, but yet, not qualified to start a job-hunt. hadn't been updating my blog, had no mood to (considering the 'happening' ways i live my days)

just settled much of the hassles last week, be it the visa application or some not-so-last-minute shopping. it's saddening to realize that there's a limit as to what you can transfer over to the new habitat. i have to leave behind my favourite piece of shirt, shorts, handbag, and what killed me most - my old pillow!!! :( 

i guess this year marks the beginning of a different future for most of us. have been hearing friends leaving overseas for work and studies, some aren't planning to come back, stories of various flaky interviews, some even started to plan about registering for marriage, those who left somehow had plans on coming back for good whilst others are already deciding on which place they would move to for permanent. and ALL of these are decisions made on their own. 

all of a sudden, i felt that these old friends of mine are all ready to discover their respective new chapters of life. and what am i still stuck with? and even till now, i constantly still have thoughts of us gathering together, gossiping secrets with a bottle of vodka in hand, us fooling around and rolling on the floor over some dead funny jokes. 

i couldn't help but to agree that working life does make a drastic transformation on us, how we speak, what we speak, we start to think ahead and beyond what was laid before us, we make substantial decisions, we finally realize the importance of responsibility, and in fact these are what actually shaped us into (finally) an adult. 

i was often judged as the forgetful and can't be bothered type of person. i MAY BE, since i'm not even sure how old my best friends are (well, at least i remembered your birthdays :O), i can't remember the time of my best friend flights, be it back or leaving kl. but those wonderful days we had, those trips we'd been to, those nights we gossiped under the blankets, those tears we shed, those silly jokes on tvb celebrities, those gambling games which we had won each other's money and yet could still joked about etc. are all still very vivid in my memory.

so much so that i hated separations, these changes are inevitable. we, are no longer the 'we' we used to be. we, at the present as well as the future will start to encompass the new people we met. 

there's just so much to hold back, you couldn't help but learn to let go. perhaps it is also time to start accustoming myself to changes.

time to grow up.