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letter from abroad

Posted by peiying Tuesday, April 24, 2007

back from college, i received this letter from World Vision China. and on the spot i knew it must be a letter from my sponsored child, Cun-Jin. he wrote to me! he wrote the letter himself! a rush of adrenaline came through as i slowly open up the envelope. and there it was, a piece if squared blocks signifying those typical chinese people will use to write letters. i was indeed delighted to see the delicate writing of the nine-year old.

Cun-Jin lives in this rural area of Hebei Pingquan, China. it's a place where villagers earn only an ipod nano per annum, harsh climate, unsustainable agricultural pratices results in low yield and widespread of poverty, water resources is inadequate and most of all lack of education. these are the major problems faced by people living in that area.
it's a shame how some of us still grumble over the food we had everyday, the brand of the sneaker we wear, the incompetency of our gadgets whereas children living in poverty had to sacrifice their childhood only to earn a packet of rice.

i was real touched by the way he delivered his message (*though it was obviously taught by adults). in one of the sentence, he mentioned “..将来使自己成为有用人才,像你一样去关心和帮助有困难的人。" it made me feel that i actually am doing something beneficial and that i can make a change in one's life. those feelings are just beyond words.

in fact i should be the one to thank him for making me feel that i too can make a difference and that everyone is special and useful in their own way. thank you.

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