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the sarcasm of cantonese

Posted by peiying Wednesday, July 4, 2007

there's no doubt that the language most widely spoken and internationally understood around the world would be English,
there's also no doubt that the most difficult well-known language to learn would be French,
and also doubtless that the language that comprise most letters would be Chinese,
the most 笔画 of all would also be Chinese,
the most way to read a language would also be Chinese,
you can either read it from left to right, from right to left, and even up to down,

but..... i must say that no language beats Cantonese when it comes to sarcasm.

let me pick up some popular sarcastic phrase spoken most often in the Cantonese culture.

1. 拜神唔见鸡 (bai san ngm gin gai)
2. 等到蚊都睧 (dang dou man dou fan)
3. 问和尚借梳 (man wo xiong je soh)
4. 吓到鼻哥咙都没肉 (hak dou bei gor long dou mou yuk)
5. 和尚洗头水 (wo xiong sai tao sui)

you'll have to really understand the meaning behind these pharses to get the humour.
at first when you heard these phrases, they don't really captivate you that much, but after thinking about the sarcasm they convey, it's rather amusing how people can come out with such literally-no-class-cum-funny phrase.

apparently the one that amuse me most is the 4th phrase. i never manage to capture what it meant though hearing it for years. then after questioning my mom (who is so terror in all sarcastic cantonese phrases), i began to comprehend the 过中奥妙.

and believe me, so funny was it that the minute i underdstand it, i cannot stop laughing.
for those who understand those phrases above, give it a second thought. and then you'll be laughing at how humourous and creative your ancestors were. *and also how limited their vocabs were*

i'm very proud of myself for being brought up in a cantonese speaking family for i could understand and speak well in this apparent sarcastic language that no other language could imitate nor can it be translated to the other to obtain the equal effect of sarcasm. seriously, no other language can outstand Cantonese in anyway when it comes to sarcasm. and only then i realised that i've used the word sarcasm to describe Cantonese over and over again. but truth is...


hence, i sometimes do sympathise those who do not understand the language for they'll miss out all these burlesque. and if you ever realise that jokes spoken in Cantonese is in fact, the funniest when compared to other languages of similar meaning.

the 奥妙-ness behind Cantonese is something that resembles the little humour we need in our lives. a little joke once in a while is indeed what we need to ease the stress we faced everyday.

learn the language. trust me, it really is very SARCASTIC.

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