not in the mood to post an entry now, but still did. now i have 101 reasons to shop till i drop for year-end sales starts today, i'm draining my purse day by day. went to the curve's nichii outlet today to help chock purchase her beloved jeans which we both have tried out the day before yesterday and was so in love with. so i decided to help her buy it cause she agreed to reschedule her hectic working time table and participate in the ipoh trip. muahaha..
chock's beloved jeans >> RM 71.91
haihz... now shopping comes with an objective and restriction, that is whether or not it would be appropriate to wear it to uni soon. yes IMU do require students to dress formal, which is why i have to give up the jeans as well... :(
皇天不负有心人,i've decided to walk into the other nichii outlet in 1U, which was where i've found my candy to the eye. a pair of white pants and a purple top which i've set my eyes on once walking passed it. it was destined that i must buy the top as it was hanged in a very secluded corner, i've still managed to spot it. muahaha... only two articles left, and is of my size, and my favoured colour too!!!
white pants>> RM62.91
purple loose-neck top >> RM35.91
the combo of white pants and purple top portrays a professional image of a future pharmacy student which is the reason i must purchase both. am i right??? just agree!
later in the evening, received a much surprised call from jervis for a non-pre-appointed movie outing with him and puijen. apparently i was at 1U too so there's no reason to decline eh... haha..
so we've ended up watching "Beast Stalker" aka 《证人》acted by two nics' >> my all time favourite comedian mr. nicky cheung kar fai and nicholas tse.
i give it an overall rating, 6 out of 10. nah... just the stereotype hongkong police movie. nothing much.
and according to jervis, the moral of the story is, no speed driving, and, and, stop before red light. wakakaka....
that wraps up today's hustling agenda.
out of nothing, i'm having a running nose now. sien loh!!!!!!
shopping day again with chock at sungei wang. basically i just wanna brag about my one and only winning of attack today. a pair of trendy SHOE from summitshoes.
it caught my attention the moment i saw it, then having second look at the price, lagilah i'm sure this is a must-have.
ooo la la~~how can you not fall in love with the colour?
it's low heels with padding inside, so shouldn't cause me foot ache if i'm to wear it the whole day. and also the black linings were made of soft materials, so wouldn't scratch my ankles after prolong walks.
guess i can wear it to IMU too. yeaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i've brought it home after forking out rm39.90. 39.90! you know?! 39.90! 39.90! ONLY!
attention to all beipei members who are participating in the annual year-end trip. as planned this year we're heading to pangkor. and the itenary is as follow:
click for larger view
please choose either date. rooms are limited, so if everyone is confirmed going, then i'll have to make reservations as soon as possible. and also this package is not inclusive of ferry transfer, unless we have 10 of us.
as only either one double bed or two single beds will be given per room, so for the triple and quad sharing, for each additional person, extra matresses will be given.
after numerous searches, this coral bay pangkor is one i considered ok. not sure how many stars it's rated, but the room rates it's offering is rather affordable since meals were provided. the dates above are not peak season too, hence no surcharge. also, also, also, the rates above are for the entire 3 days 2 nights stay. aiyah... don't worry lah, this is not one ulu-ulu resort.
so how?
come.. come get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
basically i did the entire personality test candidly, but the results were 98% accurate. hmm.. spooky :S
was browsing through google when i came across a picture of yoon eun hye in a photo-shooting session for a non-familiar apparel brand to me >> viki
hails from korea, and i must admit, this particular brand does have something for fashion, well, at least in my point of view for i usually favour apparels which could bring out the feminity of respective age groups.
here are some the garments i adored...
#1 oh! i loved the top. this pink and beige combination brings out the bold yet feminine appearance.
#2 though i least prefer checkered patterns, black and white is still the 'in' genre

#5 slim-cut jeans and boots have always been the apple to my eyes. they helped emphasize the slender figure of a female.

#9 need not say more, everything maroon is a must-have!

#10 oopps.. turquoise too is a must-have, what more with the sleeky boots!

wong shui may, wong yong rong, chock yee her, agatha ng, jess wong, ng sueyen, bay pui jen, i don care who the heck you are, as long as you are a female, be prepared for the best deal in town!!
i don't mind being an omnivore once in a while for i can never resist the temptation of GOOOOD food. and it's like the talk of the town, how i can not go pamper myself for a lavish meal after all the hard work for the past months?

what is there to ponder of now?!
lets launch our JOGOYA ATTACK!!!
ok loh.. i know i sam-pat lah, cannot is it?!
so, i've tendered my resignation for i can no longer stand the way i'm living my days as an unprofitable employee in uts. i'm very disgusted with the stereotype routine of making ineffective calls everyday. this is so wrong. this is not the way to live the remaining holidays of mine.
i am happy for i've finally made up my mind. but i am now an even more happy person, for i am carrying forward my resignation date. so next wednesday it is. the day i'm released.
well it was not all too desolated about uts. i choosed to be in the current team of mine. i've chosen to be in a team which apparently is the most barren of all. albeit this fact, i have no regrets at all. i have the most understanding team leader, i'm able to get along very well with all the team members, both seniors and newcomers. what more can i ask for having such wonderful working environment. but still, i've made up my decision to leave uts this early for i no longer am able to cope with the mundane job which i don't think will bring me any good at all.
eventually i think i will have to do something which i am more confident and comfortable with. yes. back to teaching. teaching piano, whereby i am the one giving out instructions and the other party listens. hahaha...
met up with sueyen and danny today. karaoke session with the earlier and yumcha session with the latter. at this moment whereby everything has already settled down, i should be happy. but why is it that i am feeling a little 'hollow' somewhere. i'm not sure.
maybe it's because i have no actual plans on how i am going to utilise the remaining holidays, maybe it's because i will miss my dear colleagues, maybe it's because i'm going to reminisce the days we've spent together talking craps, consoling each other, sharing thoughts and secrets. maybe it's because i knew we are going to depart on separate paths in months time. perhaps, perhaps.....
but i could not deny the fact that it was rather heavy-hearted to part with my 'hia di' (brothers). you all have been very supportive at times when i am down, you all have been the best listener when i needed someone to listen to me complaining about both big and small matters. hahaha.. thank you very much. gam xia gam xia.
i'll treasure these valuable memories and hopefully we'll be able to gather again in the days to come.
p/s: i need a new handphone!!!!
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