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pying idiot's guide to choosing good durian

Posted by peiying Thursday, June 18, 2009

my obssessions with durians is out of control. i must have durians this month no matter what!!!

it's a torture to see people sucking their thumb after the sensation that the durians bring. ish!! benci-nyer!

so here, the sifu is generous enough to share some the master level approach on how to choose the RIGHT durian for maximum savour.

at the side of your head, shake the fruit. listen for movement.
now why shake the durian, you ask. good question!

if you hear vigorous hollow movements of seeds when you shake - the fruit is all seed and no flesh - reject it.

if there is no movement at all on shaking, and the durian feels heavy for its size, the fruit is unripe or if ripe, waterlogged. reject also.

if you detect some faint movement and the fruit feels relatively light for its size - go on to the next step - the ultimate olfactory test.

for this step, hold the durian gently in your hands as you would your loved one and place in front of your nose and inhale deeply. if you find dirt, dust and dried leaves in your nostrils, stop at once, and send the durian back to the vendor for a thorough cleaning.

having ensured that the durian is clean and that there is no impediment in your nasal passages repeat the inhalation process, with both thumbs and thenar eminence cupped to exclude any extraneous smell. if you detect an over rich, strong, fetid odour, it indicates that the durian is overripe. reject, especially if the stalk looks somewhat dry.

if you detect no smell at all also reject as the fruit is unripe.
but if you detect a faint aroma of bitter sweet butter scotch and almonds with a bouquet of wild honey and a hint of smoked oak then you have hit the jackpot and found yourlself a durian with a thick, creamy, treacle like, bitter sweet tasting flesh for you to savour and enjoy.

learning these steps are essential at this time of the year, with the arrival of local fruits' harvests.

OH! how i can't wait for the durian feast next weekend with my dear friends. my lovely

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