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under pressure

Posted by peiying Saturday, May 19, 2007

seems like everyone's experiencing the same dilemma at the moment...

and for now..

only one concern..


you know you surely wanna jump off the buildng after looking at what you get for your internal.. it really can cause you deep misery realising that your external is just around the corner.

you might just wonder what fantastic result you'll be able to obtain for the external.

on the other hand, it really boosts you up to study even harder knowing that your current conditon will just lead you to further dismay. buck up now!

so i frantically browse through all my past year papers while blogging now. but people say 一心不能二用,要不然心会散掉. wakakaka!!!

so now... have to resort back to my 200+ pages bio book. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.