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tagged: 7 random facts about me...

Posted by peiying Monday, July 26, 2010 0 comment

yet, second round replying to a tagged post.. specially dedicated to the pretty who tagged me --- xiao li!!! there you have it..

basically i have no specific preference for what kind of food to make a position in my 'must-have' list. but i think i do have the ability to 'eat' with my eyes. whenever food are served, i could more or less determine if the food is delectable by just looking at it.. :)

2. OCD
erm.. well, not sure if these criteria meet your definition of OCD..
i couldn't tolerate people who hasn't bath to sit on my bed
i couldn't tolerate any toilet with a stained tile
i couldn't tolerate when there's (much) hair on the floor 
i couldn't tolerate people who never filter their words before uttering
i couldn't tolerate it when my decoration stuffs aren't placed the way i want them to be
i couldn't tolerate it if my jottings are not written in a straight line

well.. if the above affirms that i am a person with OCD, then i think i should halt my list here... :O

3. 贪新忘旧
often will i find myself coming up with excuses to get the new version of something to replace the old one (sometimes even if they are still working fine). 
i.e: if my current highlighter is in the condition with 1/4 ink level left, i'll venture to the bookstore and get myself a new one BUT must be of the same shade.. OCD again? @_@

4. music is my life partner
nothing describes me better than the music i'm listening to at a particular moment. very often will i find myself revealing the vulnerable side of me via this channel. but i AM loyal to songs which i liked. repeatedly listening to them never makes me sick. NEVER! 

5. strong withhold onto chinese traditions
not that i am anti-angmoh... but i don't see the necessity for worshiping foreign cultures when you can't even fully comprehend your own. well.. i am proud to declare myself a chinese, a descendant of the 5000-years-civilization wisdom...

6. dislike making explanations
unless being constantly confronted, else, i'll never bother making explanations, for people who understand me well will NEVER require me an explanation. think whatever you want, can't be bothered too much.

7. superficial to a certain level
i admit that i am superficial at times. wanted people to recognize my pros, for the purpose of gaining confidence i guess. in return i'm never reluctant to acknowledge the second person's talent as well. fair and square.


Posted by peiying Friday, July 23, 2010 4 comment



光看故事大纲都挺吸引人。况且李连杰终于能摆脱他惯用的卖点 - 武功,让大家对他演技再一次刮目相看。



Posted by peiying Wednesday, July 21, 2010 0 comment

7月20日   最后一天在IMU上课了

和 5 年前的中五毕业心情没什么两样
没有特别的不舍  也没有特别的留念
或许是太忙得关系   使我把心情给埋没了

去年的同一天   记忆中   我做了人生最勇敢的事
365 日后的今天  说真的  我依然无法忘怀
又是一个学期的过去  怎么时间走的那么快
我好像  被时间给抛弃了  独自一人原地踏步
转眼间  两个月后  就要和家人朋友  说再见

前几日  才刚与生平最要好的一群朋友聚会
作了一些  无法想象的冒险活动
回想起来  是哪来的勇气啊。。
单靠一两条绳子  被挂在高空中。。
出乎意料的是  我竟然毫无惧感的想完成每一关考验

再想  也许是觉得剩下的时间不多了
这  不是偏激  而是事实上告诉我  
人  一旦分开久了  生理和心理上都会有所改变
刚回国的朋友  态度上的确和离开前有差异
已经离国的朋友  心理也渐渐有所调整

谁能保证  我们以后还可以  无所不谈 

最近妈妈一直劝我  要用功读书  
若没有外来的压力  就没有推动力去全神贯注在书本上
不知不觉中  思绪就会开始天马行空   想些有的没的

我很爱听歌  因为听歌时分  能献于我无限的想象空间 
当我幻想时  反而心情可以平静许多
当我开车时  我不爱说话  但  收音机一定要开着   
最喜欢   在遥远的路途中  听着 ipod  慢慢的进入睡梦中
我爱观看美丽的照片  那也是我想象的灵感泉源
这一切  都是因为现实生活中的我们

毕竟处女座的人  总是爱  用观察和思考去衡量一切

the call of the foreign land

Posted by peiying Saturday, July 17, 2010 0 comment

july marks the final month of my studies in malaysia. in less than 2 months time, i'll be off to a land so foreign to me, a land that i'd only heard of all the fantasies it'll bring, a land where the whites dominate, a land 10000km away from local good food.. *sobs*

so much need to be done, much more revisions for semester exams. praying so hard that visa application could be settled in time, hopefully it wouldn't take me the whole august... please don't jeopardise my holidays!!!

strathclyde- where i'll stick to till 2012 :(

really am hectic this month, and presumably for the following month as well. who knows the next entry will be coming in from THE foreign land...september perhaps?