did my ATCL (Associate Trinity College London) Diploma last wednesday. this time more convinced with it. i'm sure. just that here and there some minor mistakes which i just drag through as though nobody's business.
最近在电台听到这首能令我鼻子有点酸酸的感觉的歌。在宁静的夜晚听更是特别的感动。这几晚临睡前都会拿出 iPod 听一遍。是梁静茹的纯真。果然会暖暖你的心。去下载听听吧!
* 在无声之中你拉起了我的手
have been pondering over it for a while.
taking dip exam soon, that's why must make sure.
i never fully understand the 'music' i've learnt for all my life. it was when i took up lessons from this person i call maestro, that i started developing real interest into what i've been playing. all these while i've been playing the piano, yes PLAYING, and that's all i've done. playing it ONLY. never really set my mind, or even listen to what i'm playing. what message it's conveying, what essence of the piece that i'm supposed to bring out, what are the intentions of the composer, and what's more, do i really comprehend the piece or not. i don't know.
i grew up learning this instrument with some very grusome experiences of practising scales. ok, i wouldn't say it's real grusome but it's not likeable. i never liked scales for al my life. it's just very technical. and when you played it wrongly, you'll get scolded and a knock on the knuckles.. ish....!! and that is why i took recital dip instead of performance dip.
i knew that i'm not the stereotype person with in-born musical talents, unlike some of my schoolmates who really were. but it was the nurture given at a very young age that this interest had already began growing in me that i didn't realise. if one day i am given a choice of abandoning either my current studies or my music studies, (VERY tough choice) i wouldn't really know what to prefer as both are equally important in my life.
sometimes knowing how to play the instrument makes you felt a little proud of where you stand among your peers. wrong, wrong! only when i took up 'exact' music education, i saw so many great talents everywhere around us. these talents DO made me felt intimidated. they too took up the same instrument as you did, why is it that people can master chopin, beethoven , ravel so fluently at that very young age but you can't? why is it that people are able to deliver every single note passionately when you yourself learnt the same thing but you are not able to? now THAT'S the question. WHY?!
is it because you didn't have sufficient practise? or is it the piano you are playing on is not good enough that you'll need a steinway grand to assist you? is it that you are not born to play the instrument as well as others did?
i used to think those were the possibilities, but fact is, they are not the major elements of your failure. (but yes, a lousy piano REALLY does pull down your enthusiasm). it's all because i'm not listening to what i've been playing all these while. like i've said, i'm just playing the piece. but if you ask me what am i trying to tell you through my playing, i have no answer.
for instance, you were performing on a grand stage. imagine, the stage is so empty, it's just you and the piano, with thousands of eyes watchng over you. do you think every single audience present would listen so attentively to catch the one or two mistakes you made, (ok.. perhaps more than that amount -___-") what they are looking forward to are the messages the composer is trying to convey, the excitement of the climax, the anger of that running forte passages, the romanticissim of the dolce smooth flowing movements. the piano is dead
wood, but not the player.
therefore i totally salute great performers like my all time favourite, yundi li
he may not have the best techniques, but he certainly is one the the rarest, most passionate young performer i've ever seen. the way he deliver his pieces is just so so magnificent.
also salutations to the late maestro, leonard bernstein.
music is the door to endless imaginations, the same piece brings different perception to different people.
all the above are what i've understand through my music maestro, none other than the bubbly, ms. fan. HAHAHA!! yes, she's bubbly. hence, it's very important for soon-to-be music educators to nurture this kind of thinking into your apprentice for stimulating creative thinking from the pieces they play makes music education much more fun. do attempt to create your own story and tell your story through your playing. then, the audience will be able to hear 'a story' from your playing.
now that i can blog about this, i think i've more or less understand the music that i'm playing and am going to play in the future.
你们吵架了,她决定不再理你了,在她还未来得及背对你时,你激动的将女友拉入怀中,将自己的下巴与她的紧贴在一起,你不顾反抗,让舌头深入对方的口中,同时捏住她的双颊 ,使她的嘴巴同样大大地张开,只有这样舌头才能到达她的喉咙深处。这样疯狂的深吻使你面目狰狑 ,她可能被你电到,也可能被你吓到,如果被电到,她会忘记你的所有过错。如果被吓倒,她会咬掉你的舌头,之后仓皇逃跑。
你要到澳洲培训一个月。临走前,你和女友在机场告别,你们互相抚摩对方的脸颊与头发,依依不舍。看着女友的樱桃小嘴,你忍不住吻下去,用你的嘴唇覆盖住她的小嘴不停地吸 ,形成真空,她感到轻微室息,天旋地转。
but anyway, kissing in public is an offence in malaysia, tangkap you baru tau.
Couple X : “Officer,bagi can lah, kali pertama dating sure lah tak boleh control kan.."
Mata Y : "Tak boleh, mana boleh kiss kiss di sini, tak da bagus. Merosakkan imej negara. Kan kerajaan sudah
kata, tak boleh mesra-mesra di hadapan orang, inikan cium pulak!."
Couple X: "Tapi officer...... ini....."
Mata Y : "Nah, sudah, sudah.... ini dia saman lu.. ! Jangan cakap banyak-banyak."
Couple X : "@#$%^&*!!!"
THES-QS world universitiy rankings once again place malaysia out of complimentable status. this time, even worse, not even found in top 200... what more to say? you tell me, what more to say?
as always, Harvard reigns supreme, and this time Yales went on par with Oxford and Cambridge in 2nd place too. MIT, Stanford and Cornell descends to 10th, 19th and 20th place respectively but still securing top 20 ranking. several universities in top 20 last year would have to make way this time which includes Peking University, University of California, UniMelb, Ecole Normale Supérieure and also NUS. London School of Economics showed drastic dropping from one of the top 20 to this year's 59. hmmm...
many shown progress from previous years such as UCL, John Hopkins, Mcgill, Chicago, Tokyo U, HKU, Carnegie Mellon and Edinburgh. Tokyo U being the top Asia university this time beating those from last year, eg: Peking U and NUS. *Applause*
and here are the top 200.
the question is...malaysia universities no where to be seen?
in fact the question should be...hoi! gov malaysia, bila nak bangun??
a simple test about my characteristics was taken, and here's the result:
You work hard, seeking success. You are self-sufficient and in spite of all the trials and tribulations that have beset you in the past you carry on regardless.. You are one to be admired because you pursue your objectives single-mindedly and with initiative. You know that you can 'do it' and what is more, you will - without necessarily being dependent upon the goodwill of others.
You are looking for something different. Your imagination has been working overtime and you are seeking adventure - and you'd like to share that adventure, the new experience, with someone like yourself: Imaginative, Enthusiastic and Sensitive.
It's the time of year that you are apt to become extremely restless and emotionally withdrawn. This is preventing you from becoming deeply involved with a person or persons within your sphere of influence. If you are willing to 'let go' and release your inhibitions you will find that a great deal of physical satisfaction will result, far more than perhaps you even believed you were capable of.
It is said that we are all influenced by our environment and indeed you are no exception. It would seem at this time that even though you may be surrounded by people, you are experiencing an inner loneliness. Fortunately you are sufficiently strong minded to realise that life has a great deal to offer you and that you may miss your share of experiences if you fail to make the best use of every opportunity. You therefore pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity and are prepared to commit yourself deeply and readily. You believe that whatever you would like to do or think 'you can do' - you do! It is because of this attitude that you may be considered by others as arrogant and even conceited, but its fair to say that whatever it is that you really want out of life you will put your heart and soul into it and will not take 'NO' for an answer.
You are afraid that you may not be able to realise or achieve your hopes and desires and so you insist that people should accept you as you are and appreciate your rights to anything that you aspire to.
to what extent is this applicable to you, try it out yourself. click here.
哇!!好开心!! 终于卖到了新的球鞋!!
damn happy lor!!! Don't care lah whether it's new design or not. i'm just so desperate for a new pair. WOOHOO!!
the old pair is already in a very sad condition.. the bottom layer totally torn, the inner padding also worn out liao. sent for stitching also no use.
我不是一个爱追流行的人。所以对球鞋的款式都不会太过于执著。可是当你去到新加坡的 Queensway Mall, WHOA!!! stunned man!!!!!!!!! 整间广场都是买运动的物品。只是底层都已经有80%的球鞋店了。款式多的是。discounts? 当然有啦!!还很多呢!10-35%。it's a must go place when you are in singapore. whether you want to buy or not also must go. if converted back to ringgit also slightly cheaper, some much cheaper also leh. but you don't have so many designs to choose in malaysia.
果然是花多眼乱,都不知道要选哪一个。可是我的人很随便的啦。。(hehe). eh.. really loh, i only fonder Nike. that pretty much narrows down my choices. oh yes, Nike always have the design i want and its sportshoes are mostly quite versatile. suitable for all usage.
one thing i must comment is the parking fees in that building. aiyoh.... quite expensive leh. 1st hour S$1.50, consecutive half hours, S$1.20. we were there for only like one hour plus, S$3.90 gone. that is equivalent to RM9 for only one hour plus parking. WAH!!!
and this is what i get in that duration of RM9 parking fees..
faster say, it's NICE!
是AIR 的!开玩笑啊?!
the price? S$80 which is almost RM184 here. mana boleh dapat Nike Air di KL for that price? you tell me.. i'll fly there to buy it.
原来一个女人真的可以为爱而勇敢。王佳芝能为爱国而不惜一切,牺牲自己。她也能为她爱的男人而忘我,失去理性。正如张爱玲在小说里云淡风轻,“要得到男人的心,要经过他的胃;要得到女人的心,要经过她的阴道。” 也许她真的已经被这个男人征服了。
there's this particular time when you would want to do that particular thing so much, you don't care whatever obstructs, you just want to do it at that moment.
then there's this momentary unspeakable pleasure that makes you think it's worth doing it. yes! pleasure! the ke-shiok-ness-an yang tak terhingga! my 10 shioks..
1. showering yourself under warm water when your body is even stickier than glue.
2. washing off facial foams from my blemish prone skin.
3. gulping glasses and glasses of hot chinese tea after consuming char kuey tiao. "AHHHHHHH"
4. indulging into my favourite hk series in an a/c room served with a bowl of hot red bean tong sui. 'slurp'!
5. FINALLY figured out the answer after doing whole page of silly long workings to my differentiation and integration questions.
6. found out that your long-time-no-contact friend actually remembers you and left you an offline message on messenger.
7. kena the last digit in 4D and get to draw another lucky ticket for FREE!
8. scratch, scratch, scratch, the itchy mosquitoe bite.
9. playing that 2 bar running passages fluently after 92048357 tries.
10. pending....
AHHHHH............. the pleasure.....
now, list me your 10.
一年一度的中秋佳节又来临,场上的月饼种类也一年比一年多样化。巧克力味啦,咖啡味啦,绿茶味啦,红枣味啦,黑加仑子味啦,鸡丝味啦,甚至连火腿味和 Cheese 味都有。menakutkan.. imagine ham with lotus paste, what a combination! it's like eating onion with chocolate. -___-" 这样看起来,玉壶轩的包装显得有点寒酸。四方形的礼盒在今天这个那么讲究创意的年代早就应该被淘汰了。使用鲜红色的纸带反而更适合用来送结婚时的礼饼。 海外天一向来都是比较喜欢使用鲜艳的颜色作为主体,可是看起来今年的礼盒不如往常来的受瞩目。反而它们的纸带比较能吸引我。无可否认,在众多品牌的纸带,海外天是更胜一层。
让我们来看一看如今在市场上比较常见的月饼品牌, 它们在包装上的一些创意。
今年锦伦泰推出了三款礼盒,金色的是旧的,红色的是新的吧(因为我没有看过)haha.. paiseh.. 还有一个真的太难看了,所以没有资格被放上榜。woiseh...



看来现代人对中秋节送月饼这个概念也逐渐变化了。以前就比较注重于那一个品牌最好吃,如今是要看哪一个品牌的包装最特别,最好看。毕竟是送礼吗,礼盒越好看就显得送礼的人越注重被送礼的那一个。管他好不好吃,又不是我吃... wakakaka... jinkak...
wouldn't it be fantastic if you could remove all the blemishes off your skin, even the tone of your skin, removes those irritating freckles of yours and also clarify your skin without spending hundreds on skincare and cosmetics products or seeking help from dermatologist? imagine eliminating them all D-I-Y at the comfort of your home. and you do actually get results. say goodbye to Lancome, Elizabeth Arden, Clinique, SK II, etc..etc...
and i bestow you...
the mighty....
but this time it's different, it's no china women, it's my mom who bought it. i was totally bewildered when she hand me this lotion for i know she's no calang-calang aunty that will buy products which are not branded. according to her, this lotion works super efficiently. highly recommended by her colleagues, even severe cases of acne and blackheads could be cured by applying this on your face every night. proven cases of their daughters who had acne lesions, papules and eyebags.
but i can't seem to find the country of manufacture, no expiry date, no ISO ceritification, no trademark, no company registeration code, nothing. just MAGIC LOTION. WHOA! doubts.. -____-

what say you?
and the price for 60ml bottle..
RM 138!!
that's a whole lot more expensive than any other branded cleansing gel on market now.
no wonder so many function lah...
anyway, let's try it out since it's even more miracle than SK II's miracle water (神奇水) haha.. and i'm so willing to be the guinea pig. who knows, i can be the next 琦琦。wakaka..
was demoralized these few weeks due to some 'unforeseen' bringdown. some of you should know what the letdown is. i'm sure. so please don't bother asking ok? to be point blank, it's a terrible ordeal for me to even look at it. devastated? yes i am. alright, bring it to an end.
my days were barren this month, most of the things done are fruitless. i was thinking that this time i'm done with it. i thought maybe god has something better for me, perhaps another path is awaiting me to step on. i almost made my decision according to what i thought god had 'arranged' for me. still, i felt something awkward, something's telling me that me to reconsider whether or not i should embark on something that i'm not sure i have strong interest in. is that 'something' my intuition? i don't know. weeks were spent like that, i pondered thoroughly. inference is, i should do something my heart desires more. but i have too much of it, *like always*. and again, i let god decide for me, haha..*what i do best*.
another 2 weeks more, 3 of our friends will leave us for further studies. one to scotland, one to india, and the other..... to nottingham (semenyih campus lah) wakaka... i do envy them for they know and will undertake their desired courses respectively. everyone seems to have a goal to achieve, what about me? seems like i'm leaving everything to fate. i do not want it that way. i have my own ambition too. something real big. too big that i'm not certain my current situation would allow me to pursue my own dreams. i do not want to continue being a burden to my family anymore. i want to be independent.
though i know my mom supports me 200%, i do not want things to be that way. she should be enjoying her retirement that time and not still worries about my future. she deserves what is best for her. she should spend on things she desired most and not on what i desired for those money are hers, not mine. she worked hard, real hard for it. hence, if that is the way my fate is destined for, i knew there's always something better that awaits me. 天无绝人之路。hehe..
life isn't blunt end. perhaps you might think i'm creating a self-persuading situation here. but that is the only method to make myself happier and also the people around me happier.
have been real relaxed since last month. nothing too special happened and that's why can;t come up with anything to blog. reflecting the days that had passed, i really had wasted much time not doing anything. but it's not up to me to decide. not that i do not want to look for jobs, I DID!
let me list out the jobs that i had went interviewed for. firstly is the music teacher position at this music school at taman tun. as usual, the same old reply, "we'll call you up if we have students for you". walao... if you don't have any students then what for you call me up for interview? main-main ar?
next, went to another music centre at kota damansara. asked for music teacher position, they offer me admin clerk. haih... work 6 days a week, 10 hours each day, and the pay...
the very big RM 1200. Yes! you see it right.
RM 1200. really make full use of the employee. *claps*
few days later, went to the kindergarten at the back row of my housing area. the working hours are quite alright, the pay is alright too.. approximately 7 bucks per hour. but due to some particular special reasons, turn down the offer again. then came across newspaper and called another kindergarten. this time, offering teacher assistant, working hours not as good as the previous one, the pay... way lower than the previous one, one thing to compliment, the environment and the principal. very nice principal indeed. i think they are in desperate need of assistants, she agreed to most of my requirements. no need to stay back till 6.30, no need to work on saturdays, from no EPF to given EPF.
then days after considering whether or not i will take the job, a call came. it's from a private school offering me music teacher position. fabulous pay, super nice environment. went for the interview, then principal says have to wait for the regional director to come back for a second interview before deciding on the exact pay. he asked me to wait for his call. in return, i've turned down the offer from the kindergarten. i do feel bad. then got intro to this daycare offering tuition teacher position for standard 1 and 2 students. excellent working hours and pay. due to my unconfirm timetable at the private school, i put them on hold. days passed, people from the private school had put my tolerance to maxima, i called them and they said the director was still outstation. and i gave them another 2 days. again.. no ring on the phone and i said, that's it. i wouldn't wait for it anymore. i gave the daycare a ring and what the heck, they told me that they had hired another teacher. SHIT MAN! i told them that i haven't confirm yet not that i do not want the job. the person in charge told me that she thought that i decline the offer and told the management to hire another teacher. WHAT THE... she's just way too best.
so desperate was i to find a job since august is approaching, i decided to rely on myself rather than waiting for those fake promises. i've had enough.
i've decided to have my own tuition classes. since the government implemented law on prohibiting school teachers giving private tuitions at home, i thought that this would be my chance of taking over their students. but who knows... it still is damn difficult to find students. WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!
why is everything going against my will?!
what is happening?!
is it so difficult for me to find a secure, good pay, ok working , temporary job?
all these sums up had burden my fear for the a-levels results is releasing soon. that means .. more to fear.
everything is so simple and warm here. the people, the houses, the kids and their smiles. 45 minutes drive from sungai buloh, we've reached kuala selangor, a small fishing village amidst sea and greenery. this small community consist mostly chinese with a minority of malays and indians. villagers here normally perform the same routine everyday. they set off to sea around 5am, bringing back netful of various types of fishes, prawns, and squids.
during weekdends, people from the city like us, would come and purchase seafoods as they are really fresh from the sea. and i guaranty you 99% the seafood here are definitely fresh that you cannot resist buying them. dry products were made from their catchings too, namely ikan masin, sotong kering, fishballs, prawn crackers and much more.
ikan masin anyone?
aunties making 4000 fishballs EVERYDAY!
real or not?!
we had lunch at this i forgot what name restaurant situated by the sea. um... in terms of view, not very fascinating though. but who cares, what matters the most is that the food served is SO DAMN GOOD!
the very fresh sotong makes every bite worth 45 minutes of drive
super fresh promfet , oh.. just beyond words..
the shops mostly situated by the sea all have their own dock as platform to receive fishermen coming back from sea. most of the catchings go to the middle man before being sold at the market, whereas some are selling to the people coming into their shop personally. i would not say that the price they are selling for is very cheap but it is worth buying from them for the freshness *that is if you do not mind the journey lah*
waiting, waiting and still waiting... when is the boat coming?
AH! finally....
life seems so simple that money is no big issue for the people here. it is the togetherness and the strength of the community, the warmth of their smiles, the breeze from the sea, the tranquility of the surroundings and most important the simplicity you can never find in the concrete jungle that makes this place a perfect escapade from the hectic and complex lifestyle of the city.
totally contradicting to the city, here, i can breathe the air and witness the truly innocent laughters of the kids that i can never find in kl.
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