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as we walk towards the brink 之 shopping diary

Posted by peiying Tuesday, December 29, 2009

indeed, it was a very very hectic christmas week for me this year.
we traveled down south to singapore to attend my cousin sis, seokkhoon's wedding and to celebrate christmas as well. whatmore to mention, shopping is a must when you are in the shopping haven for the year end sales. there's just too much to disclose on this final christmas trip before spending the next one abroad next year.

first and foremost, the obligated confession of my purchase from queensway mall, the sneakers shopping paradise. successfully bought a nike+ sneaker at the price of SGD126. 2 years ago, i was at the same location, bought nike sneakers too (i'm a loyal fan of nike by the way). and particularly their white series sneakers. damn chun! this is what i've bought back in 2007.

and this is the purchase 2 years later....

nike+ is the revolutionary series whereby you can embed an ipod chip into your sneaker to measure and record the distance and pace of a walk or run. cool man, though i don't use them lah..:P

come to think of it, suddenly i realised that i quite liked things that come in green. no wonder i designed my orientation t-shirt to be apple green. haha..

sunday, we went to 313@somerset at orchard road then quickly stormed into uniqlo, japan's number one casual wear brand, offering all sorts of quality apparels at very affordable price. winter's near, hence it's the best time of the year to get yourself those winter clothes you've been yearning for. uniqlo at 313@somerset was claimed to be southeast asia's largest outlet, hundreds and hundreds of people flooded the shop with some of the cheapest wool turtle neck in their hands.

gotten myself an interconvertible white furry fleeced jacket at SGD39.90 together with a fleeced turqoise turtle neck pricing at SGD19.90. that was super cheap loh (of course conversion rate should be excluded in the topic) as it's a dollar to dollar thing. good buy makes me a happy person! :P

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