今年会在新加坡倒数,狂欢,还有SHOPPING!!! 一想到 shopping 就万倍兴奋。光是式衣服我都爽. :P
顺利熬过 orientation week,别丢我臭鸡蛋!*翻脸啊!*
顺利考到 MUET (至少都要考到 band 4)
第十.. er.... 还没想到呢... 哎呀.. 什么都好啦,随缘吧,只要是好的统统给我实现。muahahahaha...
宋允儿 - 그림자 (keu rim cha)
keu rim cha 也就是影子的意思
not in the mood to post an entry now, but still did. now i have 101 reasons to shop till i drop for year-end sales starts today, i'm draining my purse day by day. went to the curve's nichii outlet today to help chock purchase her beloved jeans which we both have tried out the day before yesterday and was so in love with. so i decided to help her buy it cause she agreed to reschedule her hectic working time table and participate in the ipoh trip. muahaha..
chock's beloved jeans >> RM 71.91
haihz... now shopping comes with an objective and restriction, that is whether or not it would be appropriate to wear it to uni soon. yes IMU do require students to dress formal, which is why i have to give up the jeans as well... :(
皇天不负有心人,i've decided to walk into the other nichii outlet in 1U, which was where i've found my candy to the eye. a pair of white pants and a purple top which i've set my eyes on once walking passed it. it was destined that i must buy the top as it was hanged in a very secluded corner, i've still managed to spot it. muahaha... only two articles left, and is of my size, and my favoured colour too!!!
white pants>> RM62.91
purple loose-neck top >> RM35.91
the combo of white pants and purple top portrays a professional image of a future pharmacy student which is the reason i must purchase both. am i right??? just agree!
later in the evening, received a much surprised call from jervis for a non-pre-appointed movie outing with him and puijen. apparently i was at 1U too so there's no reason to decline eh... haha..
so we've ended up watching "Beast Stalker" aka 《证人》acted by two nics' >> my all time favourite comedian mr. nicky cheung kar fai and nicholas tse.
i give it an overall rating, 6 out of 10. nah... just the stereotype hongkong police movie. nothing much.
and according to jervis, the moral of the story is, no speed driving, and, and, stop before red light. wakakaka....
that wraps up today's hustling agenda.
out of nothing, i'm having a running nose now. sien loh!!!!!!
shopping day again with chock at sungei wang. basically i just wanna brag about my one and only winning of attack today. a pair of trendy SHOE from summitshoes.
it caught my attention the moment i saw it, then having second look at the price, lagilah i'm sure this is a must-have.
ooo la la~~how can you not fall in love with the colour?
it's low heels with padding inside, so shouldn't cause me foot ache if i'm to wear it the whole day. and also the black linings were made of soft materials, so wouldn't scratch my ankles after prolong walks.
guess i can wear it to IMU too. yeaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i've brought it home after forking out rm39.90. 39.90! you know?! 39.90! 39.90! ONLY!
attention to all beipei members who are participating in the annual year-end trip. as planned this year we're heading to pangkor. and the itenary is as follow:
click for larger view
please choose either date. rooms are limited, so if everyone is confirmed going, then i'll have to make reservations as soon as possible. and also this package is not inclusive of ferry transfer, unless we have 10 of us.
as only either one double bed or two single beds will be given per room, so for the triple and quad sharing, for each additional person, extra matresses will be given.
after numerous searches, this coral bay pangkor is one i considered ok. not sure how many stars it's rated, but the room rates it's offering is rather affordable since meals were provided. the dates above are not peak season too, hence no surcharge. also, also, also, the rates above are for the entire 3 days 2 nights stay. aiyah... don't worry lah, this is not one ulu-ulu resort.
so how?
come.. come get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
basically i did the entire personality test candidly, but the results were 98% accurate. hmm.. spooky :S
was browsing through google when i came across a picture of yoon eun hye in a photo-shooting session for a non-familiar apparel brand to me >> viki
hails from korea, and i must admit, this particular brand does have something for fashion, well, at least in my point of view for i usually favour apparels which could bring out the feminity of respective age groups.
here are some the garments i adored...
#1 oh! i loved the top. this pink and beige combination brings out the bold yet feminine appearance.
#2 though i least prefer checkered patterns, black and white is still the 'in' genre

#5 slim-cut jeans and boots have always been the apple to my eyes. they helped emphasize the slender figure of a female.

#9 need not say more, everything maroon is a must-have!

#10 oopps.. turquoise too is a must-have, what more with the sleeky boots!

wong shui may, wong yong rong, chock yee her, agatha ng, jess wong, ng sueyen, bay pui jen, i don care who the heck you are, as long as you are a female, be prepared for the best deal in town!!
i don't mind being an omnivore once in a while for i can never resist the temptation of GOOOOD food. and it's like the talk of the town, how i can not go pamper myself for a lavish meal after all the hard work for the past months?

what is there to ponder of now?!
lets launch our JOGOYA ATTACK!!!
ok loh.. i know i sam-pat lah, cannot is it?!
so, i've tendered my resignation for i can no longer stand the way i'm living my days as an unprofitable employee in uts. i'm very disgusted with the stereotype routine of making ineffective calls everyday. this is so wrong. this is not the way to live the remaining holidays of mine.
i am happy for i've finally made up my mind. but i am now an even more happy person, for i am carrying forward my resignation date. so next wednesday it is. the day i'm released.
well it was not all too desolated about uts. i choosed to be in the current team of mine. i've chosen to be in a team which apparently is the most barren of all. albeit this fact, i have no regrets at all. i have the most understanding team leader, i'm able to get along very well with all the team members, both seniors and newcomers. what more can i ask for having such wonderful working environment. but still, i've made up my decision to leave uts this early for i no longer am able to cope with the mundane job which i don't think will bring me any good at all.
eventually i think i will have to do something which i am more confident and comfortable with. yes. back to teaching. teaching piano, whereby i am the one giving out instructions and the other party listens. hahaha...
met up with sueyen and danny today. karaoke session with the earlier and yumcha session with the latter. at this moment whereby everything has already settled down, i should be happy. but why is it that i am feeling a little 'hollow' somewhere. i'm not sure.
maybe it's because i have no actual plans on how i am going to utilise the remaining holidays, maybe it's because i will miss my dear colleagues, maybe it's because i'm going to reminisce the days we've spent together talking craps, consoling each other, sharing thoughts and secrets. maybe it's because i knew we are going to depart on separate paths in months time. perhaps, perhaps.....
but i could not deny the fact that it was rather heavy-hearted to part with my 'hia di' (brothers). you all have been very supportive at times when i am down, you all have been the best listener when i needed someone to listen to me complaining about both big and small matters. hahaha.. thank you very much. gam xia gam xia.
i'll treasure these valuable memories and hopefully we'll be able to gather again in the days to come.
p/s: i need a new handphone!!!!
today, i've been introduced to this whole new dimension of vegetarian food by my MOM!! tak boleh percaya langsung! my mom being this conservative woman everyone had knew of is INTRODUCING her daughter to something 'funky' and 'in'.
located at ipoh garden, right beside tesco supermarket, is where you can find Fu Tien vegetarian restaurant.
from the appearance, it's just like any other vegetarian restaurant you've came across, but hell no. when i stepped in, each and every single table were served
Sakura Sushi- mango, taufu, cucumber and purple cabbage as fillings. i rate this 85%.
you might find me 'sam pat' for such an exaggerating expression of my pioneer exposure to the serving of sushi in a vegetarian restaurant. but, how often is it do you see sushi being served in the malaysia market of vegetarian concept? you say?!
the penetration of this 'funky' concept was from taiwan, with the main purpose to expose youngsters to pick up vegetarian habit. and it was a huge success as i can see from the business of Fu Tien, 90% of patrons were between 20-30 years of age.
we ordered the chef's recommendation Tuna Sushi Roll, Sakura Sushi Roll, and Fu Tien Salad. OH MY GOD!!! i tell you!!!! the TUNA SUSHI is a MMMUUUUUSSSSTTTT HAVE!!!!!! it's so so so so so so so so good that from the first bite of it, hyperbolically, i shed tears. the vegetarian dried shrimps is the ESSENCE of this roll.
Tuna Sushi Roll- vegetarian tuna, vegetarian dried shrimps and cucumber as fillings. i rate this 120%!!!
Fu Tien Salad- another must have also. REFRESHING! i rate this 90%. i'll give the other 10% if they could reduce the sweetness of the salad dressing.
we also ordered spicy and sour soup, which is also very good. not too spicy, not too sour, just right for the moderate people like me. haha.. dad ordered this tempura bento, which i least prefered coz they substituted the 'original tempura' with long beans, capsicums, and pumpkins. -______-" not good....
we were served a plate of preserved papaya, 3 glasses of hot chinese tea too, the bill?
only RM 28.20!!!!!!
this is freaking CHEAP!!!! and the sushi rolls all comes in 6 BIG slices. if you were to have these in Sushi King, please kindly fork out RM60-70 before you leave.
thank you for your patronage.
所以你在他心中地位越重,他躲得你越远。特别是恋人. 而且,大家都知道处女座的人有严重的完美主义倾向,所以就有了所谓的\\'处女座的人最喜欢若即若离。原因很简单:他只想给你一个最好最完美的自己,而不愿让你看到他无助脆弱的一面。所以请记住,有时处女座对你冷,绝不是你说错做错什么,这是他们正常的生理现象,他们只是不想让严寒和冰霜伤害了你(可事实上这种做法已经伤害)。不必难过,因为他们在乎你的话,他们的内心比你还要难过、自责和内疚!他们所能做的,只希望快点调整好情绪,回到你的身边。
关于“单纯”处女座很纯真,但绝不单纯,他们内心复杂得让人难以想象,很多不经意的事可能都是他们精心布置的。处女座也总在纯洁和好色之间徘徊,这一点最难说清。不过他们真正的内心是极其善良的, 宁可自己苦也不愿伤害任何人,心灵如水晶一般晶莹剔透。 关于“幽默”都说处女座冷若冰霜,缺乏幽默。多和他们接触吧,你会体会到什么是冷幽默,什么是真正的幽默,而并非品位低俗的搞笑。
座就是一个表面神秘到难以琢磨,说穿了却又很简单的星座。最接近神的人?可能吧,处女座喜欢这样 来标榜自己。因为他们确实有超凡脱俗的一面。他们的内心接近了神,可是身在这个世界,不能不食人间烟火吧,所以必须得戴着一个面具活在这个世界上。 处女座喜欢和人说些暧昧的话,对心仪的对象却不好意思表白。 处女座希望别人了解自己,却又只将能公布的那一部分对外展示。 处女座是最有责任感的人了,可很多时候却害怕承担责任。
tze yee ar, all of a sudden I’m missing you. i do not know why but after looking at the photo we took at thean hou temple from sy’s blog, there’s this sudden rush of reminiscence through my mind. all the times we’ve been through together in college, the craps we had throughout the night and in the bus during our trip to malacca, and also the secrets we shared (though not much).
that's ty in black
i’m sorry that i did not even send you an sms to bid goodbye on your departure day back to UK, but sincerely, if you ever come across this entry, i just want to let you know how much i missed you.
to be truthful, we’ve not known each other for very long, but there’s this chemistry between us that i can’t find in any of the other collegemates. someone whom i could share my secrets with, someone whom i could have private conversations with, someone whom i could sing with during karaoke sessions till we indulge in the ‘highest’ emotion. hahhaha.. i do not know if you felt the same way, but from the bottom of my heart, i really want to thank god for the presence of this wonderful friend in my life.
and i still remember you taught me my first lesson to alcohol >> VODKA!! wakaka..
oh.. how i can’t wait for the day to be in UK, then you me and zhiwei could have this backpack trip together around europe… (dreams on -___-)
wait for me!!! wakakaka!!!! both of you!!!
how i missed the days, puijen's the cameraman

感情的事真的烦人。我没试过,所以也没什么经验之谈。可是,偶尔还是希望寂寞的时候能有个靠岸,有个避风港。一个人的生活,我真的很厌倦。如今的生活就像曲名‘bo ruet cho rom’(习惯性)一样。有谁会知道,每天回家自己做自己的事物是个多么乏味的人生。你们都不了解。。。
这几天都会无厘头的观看某某人的facebook profile 和等待某某人上msn。我到底是怎么了?真的无聊到这个地步吗?
今天在TESCO 见到一位小女孩哭着找父母。坐在地上哭得好可怜, 哭到头发乱了,鞋子都丢在一旁。旁人都开始为她感到着急。唯独是我,完全不理会,推着trolley 走向停车场。妈妈说为什么我毫不在意的样子,我答,“那都是多谢你咯。”
结果,镇定的我,就只好走回去我和妈妈曾经经过的地方,希望能够找到。心跳不断加速。手都开始冒汗了。寻寻觅觅一段时间后,叮!!!!妈妈就在眼前!! 哇!! 好安心!哈哈。。可是那一瞬间,又开始害怕了,因为妈妈的表情好凶。当我跑回他身边的时候,我就知道又要挨骂了。
‘一如往常’,我又再一次走丢了。这次我发现在那粗壮的 pillar 后面躲着一个人。是个女人。是个似曾相识的女人。再仔细看清楚,哇!原来是我妈!笨笨的我,就跑向我妈咯。我问她,“妈,你为什么躲在这里?”
首先,要衷心感谢所有在9月1日给于我祝福的人。真的很惊讶,今年会有这么多的祝福。甚至有些已经5-6年没有联络的朋友都纷纷传简讯和在facebook或friendster 留下祝福的,我真的打从心里感动起来。
写着这entry的时候,也渐渐把我沉睡已久的回忆给唤醒了。如今才察觉我是一位自私和没心肝的人。以前虽然看见facebook 或 friendster 提醒某某朋友的生日,若不是很要好的,我都没给于任何祝福。我是害怕。害怕就算留下祝福又如何,这个人或许已经不记得我是谁了。只是把那祝福当作是路过人的作为。我讨厌这种感觉。
as mentioned in the previous entries, i was accepted by York's University for their BSc Psychology course, and yes, i'm admitted into IMU's MPharm too, and today, another offer came, Bachelor Dental Surgery course by AIMST.
just as what some of my friends predicted, i've turned down York's offer cause i 'finally' realised that counselling others, listening to a stranger expressing their dilemma, or prescribing tranquilizers is not something i wanted to do for the rest of my life. and most importantly, the wage for a bachelor degree in psychology in canada is not something to be bragged about. unless you attained your masters, else psychology is not somewhat a wise choice. in a nutshell, will just have to bid canada goodbye for the meantime.
York University
then there's IMU's offer which is very attractive. the 2+2 MPharm programme allows graduates to register as pharmacist in UK upon graduation without the need to return to malaysia which is a huge plus point as compared to their 2.5+1 programme. but accepting the offer would result me to rot for another 4-5 months before commencing studies in january next year. WAKAO! by then i will like the 'senior' among the freshmen. yer... don't like the fact. not good, not good.
AIMST sent me the offer letter today regarding admission into their dentistry programme which is what i wanted to do all this while. who doesn't know that a profession in dental field means good money, what more a dentist. tuition fees for this programme is equivalent to that for IMU MPharm. and as always, there's a drawback behind each and every offer, and for AIMST, it's the recognition. besides malaysia, graduates are not recognised to do their practise in any other countries (as in more developed ones). this is a huge issue for someone who is so not patriotic like me. the pro is AIMST has launced their whole new building with dental facilities and apparatus of world-class standards. man!!! their dental labs and in fact the whole dental faculty building truly sets a much higher benchmark for both private and government universities offering the same programme to keep in par with.
given are the above choices, it's a future at stake. i've made my decision. i've made it.
DIGI beats other mobile network operators hands-down on advertisment. i love them because they have the digiman with the largest possible belly in malaysia's advertisment history. and their digiman can do somersaults, the praying-mantis style of diving, single-hand weight lifting! unbelievable!! hhahahaha...
undeniably a few years back then, korean dramas are never my preference. those days i was still so into hk series like 'threshold of an era', 'war and beauty' and all those police, lawyers related series.
after watching princess hours for like 82037945 times, i began to notice a change in the plot development of korean dramas. credits to script writers eh. as compared to hongkong dramas, korean dramas of recent years are more refreshing. no doubt they have more scenic settings which plays vital role in attracting viewers, not to mention the fresh faces of korean celebrities which are practically the main enticement of most teenagers and oh bah sangs (middle-aged women).
but one thing i wanted to clarify, i still HATE taiwan dramas. STILL! i never took the initiative to comprehend why people would wanna watch an-ok-looking-but-acts like a wood-guy and a crying 24/7-slightly pretty-also act like a wood-girl acting in a 1000 episodes drama. it's exactly murdering film-strips i must say. the plot is bad, the actors and actresses are those of cannot make it, the settings are of jalan chow kit standard, and they have the worse dialogues in the chinese entertainment industry. WAHLAO! it's like n-number of years since taiwan started to produce dramas, and they have yet to (slightly) improve their plots.
i know korean dramas used to be like that too. those days when winter sonata is the cause of frenzy among teenagers whereby the leading actor and actresses are always separated by a 'hu li jing' and that when they get together, either one has third phase leukemia or kena accident. but hey, people DO improve ok? that's what i meant by versatility. no wonder why korean dramas could penetrate into and dominate the asian market in only a few years time. oh! and yes their OST definitely gets you in the mood. so good, so good!
suffice of criticisms and compliments, currently there are 3 korean dramas i would like to get hold of.
first is >> Surgeon Bong Dal Hee
i know Surgeon Bong Dal Hee is currently on air at 8tv, every monday to thursday 7pm, but since i've missed most of the episodes cause my mom wants to watch wong fei hong, so too bad. it caught my attention the first time i saw the advertistment since it's depicting the life of resident surgeons and they decipher various complicated medical terms in it. also, they have one of korea's most talented actor, lee bum soo (4th from right in poster) in it. OH!!!! must watch! must watch!

haven't watched it so can't make any comments. but i heard it's a good one since again they have lee bum soo and the long-time-no-see song yoon ah in it.
lastly >> Mawang

the main reason i wanna watch this is because i saw the poster below......

man! it's Joo Ji Hoon, prince Lee Shin in Princess Hours. oh my! never thought he possesed THIS charisma in princess hours. but here, he was so ...so... so... that thing, you know. i think it's charm. not handsome, but charm.
and the storyline is rather interesting too. Joo Ji Hoon plays the antagonist, he's a SERIAL KILLER! another must watch.
P/S: anyone knows where i could watch the full series of the above dramas online, please do let me know. and if you know of any more tantalizing hk or korean dramas, do let me know too. kamsahamnida!
(and and and i don't want those love story ones ar.. ahhaha... )
out of intolerable monotonous routine i'm having daily, after i've made up my mind to remain idle (academically) for another half a year before commencing studies in January 2009,
i did this...
haven't been using my dear gadget for quite a while on personal interests, so i decided to shoot here, there, everywhere using my limited source of macro focus from a Casio Z-750 digital camera..
#1 not sure if i still know how to hold them half a year later
#2 so FAR yet so near..
#3 haven't i forgot how to play Chopin's Scherzo in B Minor..
#4 found it! found it! evidence of 'professional' exposure to music education in sec school
#5 eh! i do read them ok?!
#6 kamsahamnida..
#7 here comes the unaccomplishable dream, delivered to your doorstep by DHL
#8 sorry, will have to turn it down :(
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