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as we walk towards the brink 之 终结篇

Posted by peiying Thursday, December 31, 2009 0 comment

in less than 7 hours, we'll have to bid 2009 goodbye. many sweet remembrance come into picture while reminiscing what i've been through for the past 365 days. 

1. entered university this year and varsity life did opened my eyes to various aspects of life. known a bunch of friends, being involved in more activities compared to my previous comtemptible schooling days, and got appreciated in one way or the other.

2. bought my first dslr, my beloved D90, which i have yet to fully master.

3. realized two thirds of my desires, one of which is to travel overseas and off we set to australia undeterred by the pandemic influenza horror during june.

overlooking pacific ocean from byron bay

at sirromet vineyard

at lone pine koala sanctuary

4. did the most courageous thing in my life. please don't bother asking what it was.

5. got band 4 in MUET

6. designed my first t-shirt, which happened to be for pharmacy orientation.

7. met mahathir in person!!

8. had my first facial and pedicure. :P

9. last but not least, i've chopped off my 3 years old long hair. >O<

undoubtedly, 2009 had completed my life in certain ways, life could only be more exciting if you continue to explore and experience. that's the way a young adult should live their days. somehow, you're better equipped with the experiences you gain and share them with those who are important in your life.

-life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get-
forrest gump

so why bother too much of how much you're getting in life, how much you've lost throughout. you'll never know what awaits us in the path ahead. i've put my best foot forward, i sanguinely welcome each and everyone of them. and hopefully you, the one who's reading will do the same.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! let's hope for the better in the years to come.

and congratulations to both my cousin sisters. 终于有人要了!哈哈哈哈!!

as we walk towards the brink 之 when pro meets

Posted by peiying Wednesday, December 30, 2009 0 comment

over to cousin sis's wedding.

out of the few things that must be mentioned about it, one thing amused me most.
according to the traditional guangdong chinese wedding ceremonies, the groom's family have to give a roasted pig to the bride's family as part of the dowry. there's this 喜word imprinted onto the pig and bride's side would have to remove that portion of the pig with the word on it symbolizing 拿喜 (bringing happiness into the family).

as my cousin's side are mostly vegetarian so they've decided to substitute the roasted pig into another form of 'pig'-- coffee flavoured sponge cake. WHOA MAN! really salute the cake shop. just a glimpse, you really thought that it was a real pig. and it tasted GREAT! in fact one of the best coffee cake i've had.

here comes the 'roasted pig'

the mata sepet 'pig' had roses on its head some more.. so 'sui'

it's so perfect that the tail curled like real ones

not forgetting that i'd performed during the wedding too alongside with the bride's younger sister. we played the bridal march-in piece to commemorate the couple's entrance.

remember the photographer that i said the bride will be using for the wedding, derrick ong? he's one very hilarious fella, with agile body movements hence the specatular angles he could come out with in his shots. he's one of the rare photographers where you think that he's worth every bit of the price. at SGD3000, this multi-award winning photographer sure takes very good photos, coupled with some very good photoshop skills. he's very capable of capturing 'the moment' photos. seldom will i appreciate someone of their skills, all in all, derrick ong, would be one of them i regard as a true professional.

not only has he the skills, he's one very witty and funny photographer. i would never forget what he said to my aunt while taking family portraits, “aunty, 今天你最开心,把牙齿拿出来。”hahahaha...

while we were busy shooting photographs during the dinner, my the other photography enthusiast cousin sis, yinglai asked me to take photos for her table. i hung my camera on one side of the shoulder, and took over hers on the other hand. it is THIS MOMENT, derrick saw me and he exclaimed, "哇!你看起来比我更厉害,来!拍一张!" hahahaha...

he checked my photos over the lcd screen and guess what? HE PRAISED MY SKILLS!!!! WAH!!! hearing such compliment from a pro made me such a happy person, head over heels. he said the composition was good, angle was good, good settings overall. WAH!!! so happy so happy!!

-to be continued-

as we walk towards the brink 之 shopping diary

Posted by peiying Tuesday, December 29, 2009 0 comment

indeed, it was a very very hectic christmas week for me this year.
we traveled down south to singapore to attend my cousin sis, seokkhoon's wedding and to celebrate christmas as well. whatmore to mention, shopping is a must when you are in the shopping haven for the year end sales. there's just too much to disclose on this final christmas trip before spending the next one abroad next year.

first and foremost, the obligated confession of my purchase from queensway mall, the sneakers shopping paradise. successfully bought a nike+ sneaker at the price of SGD126. 2 years ago, i was at the same location, bought nike sneakers too (i'm a loyal fan of nike by the way). and particularly their white series sneakers. damn chun! this is what i've bought back in 2007.

and this is the purchase 2 years later....

nike+ is the revolutionary series whereby you can embed an ipod chip into your sneaker to measure and record the distance and pace of a walk or run. cool man, though i don't use them lah..:P

come to think of it, suddenly i realised that i quite liked things that come in green. no wonder i designed my orientation t-shirt to be apple green. haha..

sunday, we went to 313@somerset at orchard road then quickly stormed into uniqlo, japan's number one casual wear brand, offering all sorts of quality apparels at very affordable price. winter's near, hence it's the best time of the year to get yourself those winter clothes you've been yearning for. uniqlo at 313@somerset was claimed to be southeast asia's largest outlet, hundreds and hundreds of people flooded the shop with some of the cheapest wool turtle neck in their hands.

gotten myself an interconvertible white furry fleeced jacket at SGD39.90 together with a fleeced turqoise turtle neck pricing at SGD19.90. that was super cheap loh (of course conversion rate should be excluded in the topic) as it's a dollar to dollar thing. good buy makes me a happy person! :P

杨丞琳 匿名的好友

Posted by peiying Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1 comment

终于下载到这首歌了!! 看《海派甜心》时,就一直注意着这首歌。
一句话- - 感动

杜送混合茉莉的风 回忆里被爱
那股激动 天色好红
温柔好浓 在胸口浮现你的面容
一起活在这城市迷宫 提起你名字
心还跳动 却没重逢

从那懵懵懂懂 走进各自天空
该怎么说让彼此选择 但思念还转动

不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
不能握的手 却比亲人更亲厚
只有失去的温柔 最温柔

当又一次美梦落空 回忆里被爱
那股激动 天色好红
温柔好浓 在胸口浮现你的面容
那是什么 让彼此选择 又不仅是尊重

不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
與你無關 淚自行吸收
但所有如果 都沒有如果
只有失去的溫柔 最溫柔

不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
不能握的手 卻比愛人更長久
只有失去的擁有 最永久

the wind cries mary

Posted by peiying Friday, December 18, 2009 0 comment

decided to give my pathetic blog layout a change.

and these templates come in very peculiar names, like the one i'm using >> the wind cries mary

god knows what that means??

many had asked, why praeludium? what language is that, what does it mean?
back in 2006, when i was in the midst of deducing my blog's name, i flipped open my piano scores, bach's well-tempered clavier to be precise, and ta-da!!


spells the synonym to prelude in i think er.. german? (coz bach was a german.. :P)  and as to everyone's comprehension, prelude means the beginning. 

i didn't wanted to use the mundane blog title, say for example; my daily routine, my life through words, speak your heart out, etc..
something short and simple yet special enough is .... er.. special enough for me. haha..

oh well, i am still as sluggish as always.

leaping over

Posted by peiying Wednesday, December 16, 2009 0 comment

time does fly.

without realizing it, the 6th week of semester 3 is coming to an end, and i have yet to find myself in the right position throughout the sem. coupled along with the design tasks for orientation, i couldn't help but to admit that i am drifting my interest and enthusiasm away from pivoting myself on the study desk for some serious study drills. the mood just doesn't seem to be stimulated.

in less than a year's time, i'll be leaving the land where i'm bred for 21 years. strange as it may seem, somewhere at a hidden corner deep inside me couldn't really feel the excitement of the coming departure. why is it so?

friends are leaving to overseas one by one, those who are graduating soon will be stepping into their respective busy working life. days would be very different from then. we cannot make guaranty for our friendships will stay on long, stay on strong. possibly there may be a day, when we stumbled upon each other on streets, you, my friend, may not recognize me anymore. and even if you do, could it be just a simple hi-bye greeting?

it amazes me why people of our former generations were able to maintain close relationships for their life. grow old together, familes of old friends spending holidays together that even their later generations became good friends, friends offering help whenever the need arises, flockering to hospital wards after getting news of you being admitted and still laugh at how frail each other looked like when compared to 20 years back. scenes like these often amaze me. i know i would be hungering for these things to happen to me when i grow old. don't you, my friend?

ok. talking about studies, i seriously have zero initiative to open up those terrifying module guides. pharmacy years ain't hard to survive so far, but things are going to get serious after christmas break. i'm already indulging in a holiday mood. ah!! christmas will be spent in singapore this year in conjunction to seokkhoon's wedding. hopefully it's an all wells end wells wrap up for the year 2010.

make me a working ant next year. i will have no qualms. bring it on, whatever you are, microbiology, pharmacology, physical pharmacy, nor biopharmacy, turbo's on, i'll nailed it all!!

so looking forward for the juniors' orientation. oh!! what pleasure would it bring to see the vicinity filled with your artworks-- orientation banner and incoming pharmacy students wearing t-shirts of your design. just crossing my fingers that they'll all turn up in their most decent forms.  

oh! christmas, grant my final wishes for the year 2009 and i'll celebrate 'you' in the grandest manner. MUACKS!!

what an invigorating start!

Posted by peiying Saturday, December 12, 2009 0 comment

yeap! i've got myself a new haircut. ask me how did i muster so much courage to chop off something that has been a part of me for 3 years, i do not know. but what i am certain of is, i've made THE RIGHT choice.

what i can see in the mirror is a brand new self, enhanced with poise, confidence, and of course, more joy. there were so many comments about the new haircut, and surprisingly, ALL of them are positive. it has been a very long time since i've last regained my self-confidence, or have i ever gain any, i'm not sure.

carrying the current hairstyle, seemed to me that i've much much much less burden, both physically and mentally. like a unimate of mine said, i looked more "approachable", hahaha, younger, happier and worry-free. sounded exactly like gigi leung's《短发》。。




i've learned to see things in a wider prospective, learned to give and take, learned to let go of things i'm not in control of, and now i'm a happier person. so many coincidences happened since i've gotten the haircut, whether or not it was because i'm seeing things differently now, episodes of "lost and found" happiness kept occuring.

out of the sudden, i've found many warm-hearted people who were willing to lend me a helping hand whenever i need them. and i know, that this would be one of the most wonderful start to a brand new year ahead.



Posted by peiying Friday, December 4, 2009 2 comment





尚雯婕 我想我是你的女人

Posted by peiying Monday, November 30, 2009 0 comment

晚间的 988 就常常会听到一些非常触动人心的歌。这次想为大家推荐这首听似简单的旋律,柔和吉他声为伴奏,又增添多一份的感触的好歌。

这位2006年的《超级女声》冠军--尚雯婕,声音温柔,低缓,非常有穿透力。 尤其喜欢她独特的鼻音,恰到好处地扩张着歌词里的情绪。 希望大家也能和我一样,暂时放下心头所有的烦恼,让我们一起细心聆听这首《我想我是你的女人》

最冷清晨 梦醒时分
梦终于消散 抛下我泪痕
像追了一段 太远的旅程
最后却来到了 无人小镇

爱若只能 隔岸观火
梦越真 伤便越是狠
有时候我承认 守在你身旁

心甘情愿 做你爱情的替身
你谢幕转身 我会捡起剧本
重新活一遍 你给我的伤痕

只愿押上此生 期盼你回身
怎么会 眉紧锁的 留下恨

徐佳莹 一样的月光

Posted by peiying Tuesday, November 24, 2009 0 comment


将残的烛光 找影子陪伴诉说著它的梦想有多亮
老旧的GUITAR 交集了你和我的时光在身旁永不忘
唱依然是昨天 脑中记忆它为何停滞不前
跨越了明天 可否更加接近永远
西元几千年 或许我已经化成天使离开
心中几万年 一直到天堂相见

一样的月光 怎麽看得我越来越心慌
一样的月光 就像彩虹洒在我身上
喔~就这样吧 我的爱

老旧的GUITAR 交集了你和我的时光在身旁永不忘
依然是昨天 脑中记忆它为何停滞不前
跨越了明天 可否更加接近永远
西元几千年 或许我已经化成天使离开
心中几万年 一直到天堂相见


Posted by peiying Sunday, November 22, 2009 0 comment

just because i'm taller than most of my cousin sisters, they do not allow me to be their bridesmaid..sob, sob :(

i don't care!! i must get the chance to be a bridesmaid for once in my lifetime. i want to get all the FREE gowns, makeups, hairstyling and manicure!!

the only person i can think of who 'might' allow me to be her bridesmaid is CHOCK!! aren't you honoured? hahah.. she's the only person i err... think so ... of equally height i supposed..

ok! it's a deal! chock! i be your bridesmaid ar. in return i shall let you be mine if you want to.. ahahha.. ok ar?



Posted by peiying Friday, November 20, 2009 1 comment








Posted by peiying Thursday, November 12, 2009 2 comment

breath, human, breath...

there wouldn't be much time left before everything's coming to a due date. so breath more while you can..

semester 3 kicked off with some grueling schedules of weekly labs, tutorials, workshops etc. just by looking at the stacks of notes given by seniors was enough to cause you dementia. seems like things starting to get serious from here on. what more to mention of my disappointing physiology results during semester 2. so devastated after realizing that the reason to drown for that paper had nothing to do with my project afterall. which meant that it was due to the failure of scoring for the written paper itself. despite all the conscientious studies and early preparations, there will always be slight probability for inability to perform during exams.

accepted my fate, turned on my turbo this sem.

sem 3 introduces us to the real world of pharmacy. further subjects to cover include fundamentals of pharmacology, pharmaceutical microbiology and physical pharmacy. just by reading the names, it's obvious that there's no escape from perpetual scrutinization of chemical structures, anatomy of microbes and perennial calculations of drug concentrations.. :(

in addition to the mind-boggling workload, orientation is coming soon. there's the banner we have to deal with, t-shirts orderings and designs, booklets printings, and photoshops, sufficient enough to cripple one self.

AND there's 2 upcoming WEDDINGS to attend. one in less than one week time, the other by next month. and i have yet to get my dress!!!

totally broke without cash influx. the idiot supervisor still owe me my salary!! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!

who wants to puke blood with me?!

the compound

Posted by peiying Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2 comment

yor!! why on earth am i such a 'lucky' person.
so happened that i went to ss2 to leave my notes for photostat purpose, i thought i was indeed very lucky to get a parking lot just 2 doors away from the shop. what more in the midst of ss2 area, finding a parking lot is like digging gold.

left the car there for a while, walked into the shop, left my cd, talked to tauke niang, 10 minutes... JUST 10 minutes, kena dah!

hell yes, damn 'sui' today.. god knows how valuable these 10 minutes are...RM100 leh!!!!

Bayaran yang dikenakan : RM100
Tarikh : 11-11-2009
Keterangan : Gagal mempamirkan tiket bayar dan peraga semasa meletakkan kenderaan di dalam petak letak kereta..

(eh hello, it's mempamerkan, spells with an 'e' not 'i' ok?! memalukan rakyat malaysia saja!)

ish ish!! agatha... your birthdate is so memorable.. hahaha.. the first traffic compound in my lifetime..

time to flaunt my hoaxing skills in front of the 'anti rasuah' cops, for the sake of a deduction to RM30.

顺子 I'm Sorry

Posted by peiying Monday, October 19, 2009 0 comment

我总掉入 深深的沉默里
和爱情 保持距离

I'm sorry, so sorry
如果我曾 伤你
I'll borrow your sorrow
也许是怕 泄漏了原因
I'm sorry, so sorry
我是如此 爱你
I'll borrow your sorrow

一如往昔 你紧紧拥抱我在怀里
心中 充满了太多感慨
一切 都从新再来

I'm sorry, so sorry
如果我曾 伤你
I'll borrow your sorrow
当爱已远去 当爱已远去
Said I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
我是如此 我是如此爱你
I'll borrow, I will borrow your sorrow


Posted by peiying Thursday, October 15, 2009 0 comment




可是说真的,我真的好喜欢设计。还记得要报考SPM 时,我犹豫很久才决定要考Visual Arts。对于只擅长炒作的我一点信心也没有,更何况还要现场画画。那一年的project 是设计一份月历,一份以玩具店为主题的月历。哇唠!有够难叻!

幸好那时有我的绘画老师协助,才能够度过难关。而且还顺利的考到 1A 的成绩!真是光荣啊!:P


就在那时,对设计的热诚也就燃烧起来。一有什么powerpoint presentation,我都想负责设计slides presentation。到大学也是如此。


最喜欢就是看IKEA寄来的年刊。里头有太多太多我爱的家具。也很喜欢去IKEA逛。爱去灯饰店选灯饰,爱到买浴室用品部门碰这个碰那个。反正关于家里的摆设,我都爱看。 然后就会联想到,我以后的dreamhouse是什么模样。每次到MPH,都会不知觉翻开一些关于建筑或室内设计的书来摄取灵感。


多么希望有一天我能够亲手包办整个家的设计(若钱不是问题的话 :P)

是时候要为即将来临的orientation 头痛了因为我是负责设计t-shirt的。还好我有兴趣,这不就是苦中作乐吗。哈哈。。


p/s: 若有兴趣,请记得收看每逢星期四,晚上11点,ntv7 所播出的‘摆家乐’

for the first time ever i've sent my student on the much reputable ABRSM graded theory exam. right after 6 weeks of anticipation preceeded by the commencement of the exam on 24th august, an email was sent to notify me about the results achieved by my student.

and voila!

the content of the rightmost column of the result table was the category achieved

and it appeared to be a letter "D"

oh dear!! this is bad i thought...

then looking at the column juxtapositioned to it was the marks achieved

092?? 092?! 092!!!! IT WAS 92 MARKS!!

which meant my student had acquired a D-I-S-T-I-N-C-T-I-O-N = DISTICTION!!!

so honoured!! so thrilled!! now i can set my mind to rest and proudly inform his parent about it.

hmm.. perhaps it's time to revise my piano tuition fees... haha..

years of covet- fulfilled!

Posted by peiying Tuesday, October 6, 2009 0 comment

everyone, it's time to rejoice for the dreadful end of semester exam is finally over. and we 'jubilate' for doing the papers badly. hahaha..applause, applause!

how about another round of applause for me. you ask why? almost the whole world knows the glory :P

the 4th day of this much celebrated month marks the point of mount for me as an amateur photographer for owning a device which could eat up 70% of my total wage from last year's hard work. it's none other than.. cheng cheng cheng...

the highly acclaimed mid-range dslr

put your hands together for the arrival of the 'divine' one

there were too much reasons for selecting this model over the d5000, please don't bother asking. and was it worth the extra 1k? a clear-cut YES. every penny spent on D90 is worth it though i very sakit hati lah. but still, one couldn't help to be astonished by it's features. no, they aren't as bombastic as what nikon's competitors can offer for the same range of dslr. the d90 is practical yet stylish and user friendly for the equivalent products of other hallmark camera manufacturers.

as much as i love my new "precioussss", i have qualms over the weight. with over a kilogram gadget hanging over your neck is not something everyone would fancy about. other than that, there's almost absolutely zero cons we can find about the D90 so far.

some eye candy..
frontal view

D90 comes with a 18-105mm kit lens which made it a very good buy
rear view- a 3" 920k articulated lcd screen
top view- extra control panel on top ease adjustments under sunlight
enough for the meantime to soothe your ravenousness. shall get back to my 300 pages user guide. you know lah, such high tech machines sure damn a lot of features to learn. hahahahahaha....


Posted by peiying Wednesday, September 23, 2009 0 comment

我把 ipod 的 repeat mode 启动了。




让我们一起重温在人气最巅峰时,这位看似外刚内柔女生唱出的 《眼泪成诗》

Posted by peiying Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2 comment





immediate verdict sought

Posted by peiying Friday, September 18, 2009 0 comment

ar!!! offer for extended warranty ending soon!! i'd yet to decide on which model to buy.

450d of 500d?!?!


Posted by peiying Tuesday, September 15, 2009 2 comment


可是 我也有我的好处
只要一觉醒来 愤怒自然消减不少

别见怪 也该觉得庆幸


龚柯允 舔伤

Posted by peiying 0 comment



自己舔伤 我此刻还能靠在谁肩膀



starry, starry night

Posted by peiying Thursday, September 10, 2009 0 comment

13 weeks of english classes came to an end today. i was not the stereotype of student who listens attentively in class, neither would i be the one who slacks all the way througout. it was only till today that i find english lessons meaningful. after several weeks of repetitive summary writing, today's task was on listening and using emotive languages, which i find the most interesting. topic was on don mclean's- Vincent

we've heard this song so many times, be it on the radio, or some singing competitions, and it was even featured in the sizzling hot 2008 hong kong drama series- The Heart of Greed. yes, to me it was just a song. a song where people of my dad's age will appreciate, a song whereby after being listened now will be forgotten the next minute.

the perception totally evolved after listening to my english teacher's story of the prevailing character, which is non other than the famous post impressionist painter and one of the most famous artists of all time, Vincent van Gogh. Vincent was said to be a highly emotional and lacked self-confidence individual. his life was of an unhappy one, for no one actually understood him. Van Gogh died at his own hands in France at the age of 37. he shot himself. although he sold only one painting during his life, van Gogh is now considered one of the greatest Dutch painters since Rembrandt. his fame was probably enhanced by his well-documented mental difficulties- he was diagnosed with schizophrenia (multiple characteristics).

van Gogh's most famous painting- Starry Night

the slideshow of his artworks played alongside with the song, Vincent, made me ponder that there's a hidden tender soul in him. his paintings were mainly of the surroundings and people he sees, the paddy field, the sky at night, the house he lived in. it was all so simple, yet soothing to sight with a little melancholic feel at the same time. perhaps all he'd ever wanted was merely some love and understanding while he was alive.

isn't it time for us to reflect on ourselves whether or not have we missed out anything important in life other than the usual working and studying routine.

when was the last time you raised your head and truly appreciate the starry night?

Starry, starry night

Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflecting Vincent's eyes of China blue
Colors changing hueMorning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hands

For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you Vincent
This world was never meant for one asbeautiful as you

Starry, starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget
Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
A silver thorn on a bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will

ning baizura - breathe again

Posted by peiying Sunday, September 6, 2009 0 comment

Have you wondered how it feels
When it‘s all over
Wondered how it feels when you just
Have to start anew
Never knowing where you‘re going
When you face a brand new day
It used to be that way
Now i just close my eyes and say

I just wanna breathe again
Learn to face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little
Cry a little Live a little more
I just wanna face the day
Forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if i hope a little
Try a little more
I‘ll breathe again

Starting out again is never easy

Disappointments come and go
But life still moves on
With a bit of luck
It‘s a brand new start
That might just work my way
No need to walk away
Don‘t want to live on life‘s replay
Things will work out fine
If you can find the courage to look past the night
To see the break of dawn


was browsing through youtube for grey's anatomy's soundtrack. then, came across this magnificent song. ning had really opened my eyes to how good our local artiste can sing an english song. to some extent, i think she sounded a little like mariah carey..

she proved that it's not necessary to hit high pitches to be defined as a good singer.
nevertheless, it's still a song worth recommending - Breathe Again

it is all doom and gloom..

Posted by peiying Saturday, September 5, 2009 2 comment

On 15th June 2009, the UK Border Agency announced a newly revised shortage occupation list (SOL). For people from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and had the aspiration to be a registered pharmacist in the United Kingdom, the new SOL is not something to look forward to. As the name suggests, SOL is a list of occupations which the UK government wants to fill urgently and is willing to open those jobs up for qualified foreigners. In other words, a foreigner will more likely to be granted a work permit if the job is in this list. In the revised list, community/retail pharmacist was no longer included, which means, getting permission to work as one in the UK maybe difficult to obtain. It is not all doom and gloom, at least hospital pharmacist remained in the list.

The change can translate into the imminent over supply of pharmacist in the United Kingdom, primarily in the community or retail setting. This is obvious if one keep track on the number of school of pharmacy mushrooming all over the UK over the last few years. From around 17 four years ago to 22 fully accredited universities providing the MPharm courses. This number excludes five other universities that had yet to churn out any graduates and also two universities that twin with Malaysian counterparts. The number of collabaration courses will inevitably increase in the near future.

If you plan to work in the UK after graduation, this information will be useful for your consideration or reconsiderations. If you plan to do pharmacy, the fact is that you will need to be more than a brilliant student to be able to survive in this profession in the near future, the days of pharmacist having a job for certain will be ending soon. In the UK and eventually in Malaysia.

Editors: The decision of Migration Advisory Committtee (MAC) of UK Borders (UK Immigration Dept) to remove community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from SOL came as a surprise to both students and RPSGB. Apparently RPSGB, the body that represents pharmacists within the UK was not consulted for the decision. However, this decision will be reviewed in September 2009. Hopefully by then, there will be a favourable outcome. Meanwhile, it will be hard to non-EU pharmacy graduates to apply for working visa even if they are offered a place in pre-registration. As an alternative, (as far as we know) they will have to opt for post-study visa which allows them to work in UK for a maximum of 2 years.

extracted from:

now that i realize...

Posted by peiying Monday, August 31, 2009 0 comment

that pint is pronounced as pie-nt

oh dear.. how embarrasing..

i was at baskin robbins to purchase one pie-nt of ice creams at a discount rate of 31% in conjunction with 31st of the month.

i said "i want one pint (i pronounced it pi-nt)?' in front of 20 other customers. malu betul!!!!
some more dare to acclaim myself as a university student. malu, malu!!

hahaha.. anyway.. was a good lesson learnt.

definition of pint : a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 gills or 568.26 cubic centimeters or better know as a unit of capacity; equal to 1/2 quart, or 2 cups, or 16 fluid ounces